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Constantes - Constants

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Xavier Gourdon and Pascal Sebah
Gérard Villemin
calculator.orgs is a collection related to calculators. Over a million PC users have already downloaded Calc98, our popular free engineering, scientific and financial calculator for Windows.
Inverse symbolic calculator by Simon Plouffe
A Difficult Dissection into Two Parts
A (non-isosceles) right triangle has the following extraordinary property: It is a polygon which can be dissected into two polygons in such a way that the two parts have the same shape as the original figure, but differ in size from each other. The solution is called the "Golden Bee"
<http://karl.kiwi.gen.nz/prgold2.html> <http://www.meden.demon.co.uk/Fractals/golden.html>




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Copyright © 1999-2012 Jean-Paul Davalan - Reproduction interdite.