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Mathématiques, musique et relations avec d'autres disciplines


Musique - Music

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ANNONCE : ouverture candidatures Master ATIAM 2012-2013
La formation ATIAM est un parcours de niveau M2 au sein du Master Sciences et Technologies de l'Université Pierre et Marie Curie, organisé en collaboration avec Telecom ParisTech et l'Ircam. Son objectif est de délivrer les bases scientifiques et la culture musicale permettant d'aborder les recherches dans le domaine de l'acoustique musicale, du traitement du signal sonore et de l'informatique musicale.
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Information for users/future users of all Emagic software
Depuis 1986, sous la direction de Raphaël de Vivo, un centre de création musicale a pris forme en investissant un champ musical et esthétique plus vaste, en construisant des moyens cohérents de production : studios de réalisation, locaux de recherche et de pédagogie mis au service, tout en suscitant une investigation permanente sur le langage et les formes musicales.



par Emmanuel Amiot. Sur ce site vous trouverez divers travaux sur les canons rythmiques, et depuis peu sur d'autres sujets mathémusicaux, comme les gammes ou diverses applications de la DFT..
<http://canonsrythmiques.free.fr/menu.html> <http://recherche.ircam.fr/index.html>
Section de Musicologie  Ã‰cole Normale Supérieure de la rue d'Ulm
cnrs info est une lettre d'information destinée aux médias
La musique est libre, la culture est libre et nous participons tous ensemble, sur internet et ailleurs, à faciliter son accès et sa diffusion, cela dans l'esprit populaire du partage par tous.
C'est un projet citoyen permettant l'émancipation des esprits et la révélation de vocations (je diffuse donc je suis) qui vise à mettre en relation l'artiste et son public, mais aussi l'artiste et le professionnel de spectacle vivant.
Studio de Création et de Recherche en Informatique et Musique Électroacoustique
est une cellule d'activité rassemblant artistes et scientifiques. Son objectif est de permettre aux premiers de bénéficier d'un transfert de connaissances scientifiques et aux seconds d'une expertise musicale. Le SCRIME résulte d'une convention de coopération entre le Conservatoire National de Région de Bordeaux, l'ENSEIRB, et l'université Bordeaux 1.
Octandre est une association de compositeurs issus de la classe de composition électroacoustique du Conservatoire National de Région,créée en 1990 à Bordeaux.
ASPAC Burkina-Faso — nauguré en mars 2002, le Musée de la Musique d'hier et d'aujourd'hui a pour principal objectif de sensibiliser chacun à la sauvegarde de notre patrimoine, qu'il soit matériel ou immatériel.
Le Burkina Faso dont la culture est fondée sur les traditions orales ne peut laisser disparaître sa musique, ses chants, ses contes, ses danses. Sauvegarder l'identité et le patrimoine d'un peuple, c'est préserver sa diversité culturelle.
Mathématique du secondaire - Xavier Hubaut, professeur émérite - Université Libre de Bruxelles
Norman Carey
<http://theory.esm.rochester.edu/norman_carey/ncarey-diss.html> <http://www.orchestredeparis.com/>
see MusiXTeX (successor of MusicTeX ) TeX-macros, -fonts, ... to typeset musical scores with MusiXTeX (documentation, reference) ...
Scores: ready-to-print sheet music often as PostScript files by [J.Agrell] [O.Åhlström] [J.Arcadelt] [J.Ascher] [J.S.Bach] ...
LilyPond  -- The GNU Project Music Typesetter
LilyPond is the GNU Project music typesetter. This program can print beautiful sheet music from a music definition file. It can also play mechanical performances to a MIDI file. Features include multiple staffs, meters, clefs, keys, lyrics, versatile input language, cadenzas, beams, slurs, triplets, named chords, transposing, formatting scores, part extraction. It includes a nice font of musical symbols.
<http://www.cs.uu.nl/~hanwen/lilypond/> <http://www.math.niu.edu/~rusin/papers/uses-math/music/> <http://www.ubl.com/>
Mup takes a text file as input and produces PostScript output for printed music. It can handle both regular notation and tablature notation. (It can also produce MIDI output.) It has been in use for music publication since 1992, and is used by musicians all over the world, including music departments at Stanford, Johns Hopkins, and other major universities. It is now available in Version 3.4. We provide ready-to-run versions for selected platforms (MS-DOS, Linux x86, and UNIX x86).
Lime Music Notation Software
Lime Music Notation Software for Windows95 ... Download LIMESFX.EXE (1870 kbytes) Expand by double-clicking on its icon. After this step, you will have a folder containing the Lime program, the Lime manual, and Lime's associated folders, fonts, and files.
KeyKit used to be called Keynote. It is a programming language and graphical user interface for MIDI, useful for both algorithmic and realtime musical experimentation.
For over thirty years, the Center for Contemporary Music has been at the forefront of developments emphasizing experimental methods in contemporary music and its allied arts and sciences.
<http://www.mills.edu/LIFE/CCM/CCM.homepage.html> <http://www.columbia.edu/~crypt/>
abc is a language designed to notate tunes in an ascii format.
adaptation de Sylvain Piron
cette page est traduite et adaptée de la présentation de l'ABC (en anglais) par son créateur, Chris Walshaw, sur "ABC home page"
exemples, Notation ABC, logiciels, collections d'airs en abc, questions, index de l'abc sur la toile
<http://www.geocities.com/Nashville/1401/a10.htm> <http://perun.hscs.wmin.ac.uk/~jra/abcMIDI/> <http://www.lesession.co.uk/abc/abc_notation.htm> <http://trillian.mit.edu/%7Ejc/music/abc/doc/ABCprimer.html>
Solomon's Music Theory  & Composition Resources
at Stanford University Your source of free musical data on the InternetResearch in the Humanities
<http://musedata.stanford.edu/index.html> <http://www.music.princeton.edu/chant_html/index.html>
A Tcl Language Binding for the DOM, clDOM, a Tcl package implementing the TclDOM specification
Fractal music is actually music created by fractal processes.
<http://library.advanced.org/12740/msie4/music/index.html> <http://www.eleves.ens.fr:8080/home/madore/programs/> <http://www.topcode.com/c++/main.shtml> <http://etiop.free.fr/music.htm> <http://perso.libertysurf.fr/mertzweiller/music.htm>
Alain Naigeon
<http://math.fractalpoint.ch/site/navig/francais/espace_normal.php?page=3> <http://www.pba-ltd.freeserve.co.uk/fractalpage2/pjbmusic/index.htm>
Ecrits et systèmes utilisés dans le monde arabo-musulman
Aspects de l'Harmonie universelle Le Livre de Consonance dans l?Harmonie Universelle de Marin Mersenne : une brève présentation à travers ses fondements philosophiques et historiques.
<http://www.saramusik.org/article.php3?id_article=14> <http://www.smcq.qc.ca/smcq/doc.f/>
Euclidoscope   applications pratiques en musique
Comment générer de la musique à partir du seul calcul ?
<http://mapage.noos.fr/euclidoscope/musique/musiques.htm> <http://www.sacem.org/portailSacem/jsp/ep/home.do?a=1>



The TWAIN Working Group is a not-for-profit organization which represents the imaging industry. TWAIN’s purpose is to provide and foster a universal public standard which links applications and image acquisition devices. The ongoing mission of this organization is to continue to enhance the standard to accommodate future technologies.
AGNULA  Â« A GNU/Linux Audio distribution Â»
AGNULA is continuing as a volunteer based project, aiming to spread Libre Software in the professional audio/video arena.
propose un large éventail de musiques électroacoustiques et improvisées, historiques et actuelles, ainsi que quelques livres et magazines.
Le but de ce catalogue est de promouvoir toutes ces musiques qui survivent en dehors des circuits commerciaux, de donner la possibilité à l?auditeur d?être curieux, de prendre des risques, de découvrir d?autres pratiques, d?autres conceptions de la musique que celles imposées par l?audimat. Pour faciliter la curiosité de tous, les disques sont vendus à des prix raisonnables.
METAMKINE est une association à but non lucratif, régie par la loi de 1901. L'association est gérée par des bénévoles et deux salariés (l'un depuis avril 2003 et l'autre depuis décembre 2004).
a Regional Group of the International Music Council (IMC). It was formed upon request of the Director General of UNESCO as the advisory body to the agency on music matters.
a pour but le développement de l?informatique musicale en France, de ses relations avec les autres disciplines artistiques et scientifiques, de ses liens internationaux. Elle pilote notamment l?organisation de Journées d?Informatique Musicale JIM et participe au comité de pilotage de Sound & Music Computing SMC.



an internet technology firm. Stay tuned - major site changes are on the way ...
The MVO is a project designed to promote participation in the playing and performance of traditonal Dance Music. It currently focusses specifically on contemporary and traditional dance music from Central France or from members of the orchestra.
Intelligent MIDI Sequencing  with Hamster Control
by Levy Lorenzo



Compositeur américain minimaliste résidant à Paris
Tom J. s'inspire des mathématiques : suites de Fibonacci ou de Narayana, suites automatiques, self similarité, designs (Kirkman, Steiner), suites de Skolem et Langford (pavages rythmiques parfaits) etc.
Compositeur américain de musique électronique et de musique instrumentale résidant à Florence USA. Musique. sur Wikipedia___
Enseignant-conférencier en musicologie
Ce site présente les formations professionnelles et les conférences animées par Guillaume Kosmicki. On trouvera aussi des informations sur son parcours professionnel, ses recherches et ses principaux textes, ainsi que son curriculum vitae complet. En outre, ce site présente de nombreuses ressources (textes, bibliographies) et des liens fournis sur différents sujets autour de la musique.
Computer Science Department, Yale University
compositeur - en français (canadien)
<http://esi24.ESI.UMontreal.CA:80/~belkina/> <http://members.tripod.com/~Lassonde/musi.html>
Hundreds of Tunes in ABC Format, ABCMUS: An ABC Tune Player/Handler Program
Hurdy-gurdy Site
he most extensive online collection of information about the hurdy-gurdyalso called the vielle à roue and many other names.
Compositeur et Cristaliste
Extrait de musique proposé : "Agua Temple"
<http://www.micheldeneuve.com/> <http://www.cs.dal.ca/~sbrooks/>
Professor School of Computer Science and Centre for Interdisciplinary Research in Music Media and Technology The Schulich School of Music McGill University Montreal, Quebec CANADA
David Cope is Professor Emeritus at the University of California at Santa Cruz (howell@ucsc.edu) where he teaches theory and composition. He also teaches regularly in the annual Workshop in Algorithmic Computer Music (WACM) held in June-July at UC Santa Cruz.
<http://arts.ucsc.edu/faculty/cope/> <http://recherche.ircam.fr/equipes/repmus/allombert/>



<http://www.orchestranet.co.uk/ring.html> <http://www.classicalmusic.co.uk/> <http://midiring.musicshoppe.com/>



Music and Computers by Phil Burk, Larry Polansky, Douglas Repetto, Mary Roberts, Dan Rockmore, Foundations of Diatonic Theory by Timothy Johnson, A Math and Music Primer by John Finn, Computer Music by Staniosis and Berberich,
Ivars Peterson's MathTrek
Philippe de Vitry (1291-1361) was one of the most prominent figures in medieval music.
you will need the RealPlayer version 5.0 or later..
<http://www.msri.org/publications/video/contents.html> <http://faculty.ivc.edu/rzucker/Math%20Songs.htm>
Frank Ruskey Unlike every other recursive Gray code definition, (1) has the remark-able property that it involves no reversal of lists. The list for C(6; 3) has been rendered musically by George Tzanetakis and is available on the page http://www.cs.uvic.ca/~ruskey/Publications/Coollex/Coollex.html
Here is the the C(6,3) output rendered musically: slow, fast.
Dmitri TymoczkoChordGeometries represents chords and voice leadings in a variety of 3D geometrical spaces. You can enter chords on a MIDI keyboard or using the Keyboard window. Voice leadings between successive chords are represented by continuous paths in the spaces.



La page francophone du format Ogg Vorbis



Published by Harmonic Vision
Published by New Horizons
Generate a composition



René Bastian



par Patrice Tisserand
<http://freesoftware.ircam.fr/article.php3?id_article=74> <http://freesoftware.ircam.fr/rubrique.php3?id_rubrique=6">
Tice dans l'Académie de Versailles
Installation sous Debian
<http://www.tice.ac-versailles.fr/logicielslibres/article.php3?id_article=177> <http://www.csounds.com/>
tcl8.1b3.tar.gz (2250 Kb), tk8.1b3.tar.gz (2165 Kb) Wed Apr 7 1999
A software midi music synthesizer for Sun Sparcstations, with a Tk user interface.
a music composition system that works well with SparcOmatic.
SpecTcl1.1.tar.gz, SpecTclGd.ps
This package contains Release 0.2 of PMML-related software, containing a PMML compiler (formerly referred to as a PMML interpreter), a discompiler, macro libraries, an Emacs interface, and some example musical pieces.
Creates PostScript sheet music from chord and lyric files. The input files contain chord indications and chorus delimiters as well the lyrics. The output contains the lyrics of a song, with the guitar chords appearing above the right words.
chord-3.6-ss-10.20.tar.gz(HP-UX 10.20 source code)
<http://hpux.cs.utah.edu/hppd/hpux/PostScript/chord-3.6/> <http://www.mike95.com/c_plusplus/> <http://www.hitsquad.com/smm/>
Anthony Beurivé
BOXES is an experimental software for music composition. It combines spectral sounds, hierarchical structures, and constraints. Constraints are used for interactive updates.
BOXES works on Linux. It is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License.



Shareware  Music Editing Software Program
It has a lot of function. It runs on Windows 95 or Windows NT (not Windows 3.1)
NoteWorthy  Composer
MOZART  the music processor
by David Webber is a music editor for Microsoft Windows. MOZART's in-built knowledge of music syntax lets you create scores and parts quickly and efficiently.
<http://www.mozart.co.uk/> <http://www.ars-nova.com/>
Shareware  Music Editing Software Program - Muse -
Muse is a music editor.Muse shows you five line "staffs" to write music on. At the bottom of the screen there are the symbols you need. Click on the symbol and the mouse pointer turns into that symbol. Click on the staff to drop the symbol into place.
ABC2Win  Version 2.1
This program allows users of Microsoft Windows to write tunes, view the tunes as publication-quality music and play the tunes over the built-in PC speaker.



Here's a Little Number I'd Like to Play for You...
Jim Aikin
Jakob Teitelbaum and Godfried Toussaint
RHYTHMOS is an interactive software system designed as a tool for the analysis, exploration, and composition of musical notated (symbolic) rhythms. It has a graphical user interface (GUI) that allows the user to enter, view and analyze rhythms in a wide variety of geometric representations [2]. Its sound system allows the user to hear the rhythms at di#erent tempos. More than one rhythm may be heard, and the timbre of the sounds can be made di#erent for the di#erent rhythms.
David Piott
MusicScript is an open-source music scripting language for linux. It is capable of creating complete songs from a script, using drum machines, synthesizers, samplers, and many effects. MusicScript was created by David Piott as an alternative to the limits of real-time music programs. With MusicScript, there can be an infinite amout of loops, tracks, samples, effects, etc. You create the song as a script file, which MusicScript will interpret and turn into a wav file.



AFsp and libtsp
The AFsp package contains audio file utility programs and a library of routines for reading and writing audio files.
The libtsp package is a library of routines for signal processing. It also includes a number of general purpose routines useful for program development. Programs using this library for filtering, LPC analysis/synthesis and resampling are available as part of the AFsp package.
LilyPond -- The GNU Project Music Typesetter : lilypond-1.1.9.tar.gz (795 Kb)
<ftp://ftp.cs.uu.nl/pub/GNU/LilyPond/development/> <http://www.arkkra.com/doc/obtain.html>
Score Preview:  A Viewer for Score Music Files
a DOS program designed for screen viewing, playing through a standard MIDI system, and PostScript printing of pages of music prepared by the Score music publishing system. A utility for dot matrix printers (IBM Proprinter or EPSON format) is available from San Andreas Press (for a small handling charge—details are contained in the README file).
abc2mtex is a package designed to notate tunes stored in an ascii format (henceforth abc notation). It was designed primarily for folk and traditional tunes of Western European origin (such as Irish, English and Scottish) which can be written on one stave in standard classical notation. However, it can be used for multiple staves and should be extendible to many other types of music. It can also be used as a fast preprocessor for MusicTeX or MusiXTeX.
Abc2ps is a typesetting program for abc. It reads a file containing abc code and outputs the music to another file in Postscript. The music can then displayed (i.e. using ghostview) or printed on a Postscript printer. The program is written in C and runs on most systems which have a C compiler. An executable for ms-dos is also available.



Over the years various surveys of Optical Music Recognition (OMR) work have been written:



Java Sound Resources  jsresources.org
Matthias Pfisterer, Florian Bomers
This site helps you to learn and master the Java Sound API. It presents code examples, FAQs and applications.All source code on this web site is open source.
Some complete applications are ready for you, too : Answering Machine, JSInfo, MidiPlayer, Ripper.
JFugue is a Java API for music programming. It makes music programming incredible easy, and it's great for applications in which music is generated at run-time: algorithmic or evolutionary music, music editors, jazz improvisers, and more!
McNabb Software Arts GNU General Public License
The MIDI Kit is a set of Java? classes designed to serve as the basis for platform-independent and OS-independent real-time interactive MIDI applications. In the simplest case, the base classes may be used to build small, fixed configuration, stand-alone MIDI processing apps, similar to the included examples.



The Scribe Database is a systematic collection of scores, colour images, texts and bibliographic information of medieval music which can be searched by text or melody and which will return musical information in the form of a modern score, text data and, where available, a colour facsimile of an original manuscript.
The CANTUS Project is housed and maintained at the Faculty of Music of The University of Western Ontario, in London, Ontario, Canada.
The MUSIC directory includes:Music scores in PostScript printer format, Supplementary DRAW files for use in the music typesetting program SCORE., The Score Preview program (for DOS) designed for screen viewing, playing through a standard MIDI system, and PostScript printing of pages of music prepared by the SCORE music publishing system., Other Utilities and information files for SCORE



web site dedicated to the study of music theory
The Online Journal of the Society for Music Theory



C. Pascal, N. Tomas



Daniel Beaufils
IMEL CRDP Ac. Grenoble
En musique, seules quelques fréquences de sons sont utilisées, les notes. De plus, pour que plusieurs instruments, y compris à notes fixes (flute, saxophone, orgue, ...) puissent jouer ensemble, une note de base a été fixée. Cette note a été fixée à 440 Hz et est donnée par le diapason, c'est le LA.
Louis Laloy, 1874-1944



Bibliographie - J.-P. Allouche and T. Johnson. Journal of New Music Research 24 (1995), 97-108
Narayana's cows and delayed morphisms. In 3èmes Journées d'Informatique Musicale (JIM '96), Ile de Tatihou, pages 2-7, May 1996.
Six or eight years ago one of us (T.J.) found a German edition of a little book on the history of mathematics by a Ukranian scholar named Andrej Grigorewitsch Konforowitsch. The book was full of curious information, but I was particularly struck by the following, which Konforowitsch attributed to Narayana, an Indian mathematician in the 14th century:
A cow produces one calf every year. Beginning in its fourth year, each calf produces one calf at the beginning of each year. How many cows and calves are there altogether after 20 years?
(Pour calculer voir aussi la page sur les suites linéaires).
Editions 75 et Books by Tom Johnson (The voice of new music 1991 available as a free download.)
Musique, mathématiques et philosophie Année 2000-2001
En quel sens pensée musicale et pensée mathématique sont-elles contemporaines ? S'il ne s'agit pas seulement d'appliquer la seconde à la première, la philosophie est-elle requise pour que ces deux disciplines se confrontent et dialoguent sur un pied d'égalité ? Quel rôle exact l'informatique joue-t-elle dans un tel rapprochement entre logiques différentes (scientifique et artistique) de pensée ?
Séminaire Entretemps "La musique ne pense pas seule"
Godfried Toussaint (
e points are the vertices of a regular n-gon. One may also examine the spectrum of the frequencies with which all the durations are present in a rhythm. In music theory this spectrum is called the interval vector (or full-interval vector) [7]. For example, the interval vector for the clave Son pattern [x . . x . . x . . . x . x . . .] is given by [0,1,2,2,0,3,2,0].
Erik D. Demaine Francisco Gomez-Martin + Henk Meijer David Rappaport...
We characterize which sets of k points chosen from n points spaced evenly around a circle have the property that, for each i = 1, 2, . . . , k 1, there is a nonzero distance along the circle that occurs as the distance between exactly i pairs from the set of k points. Such a set can be interpreted as the set of onsets in a rhythm of period n, or as the set of pitches in a scale of n tones, in which case the property states that, for each i = 1, 2, . . . , k 1, there is a nonzero time...



Computer Music Journal  WWW/FTP Archives
Contributions to THE OPEN SPACE Magazine are invited from interested composers, performers, artists of any media, critics, theorists, historians, ethnographers, philosophers — anyone engaged with creative, critical, or scholarly matters.



Michel Baron
Pourquoi 12 notes dans une octave de piano, dont 7 blanches ?



The Music Representation used by Lime
N i c k y H i n d   t u t o r i a l s
hese two sets of computer music tutorials were written during the course of my work as an Assistant Lecturer at Stanford University's Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). Judging from the e-mail I receive from all over, their use has spread well beyond that originally envisaged, and they have hopefully served as an entry point into software synthesis and algorithmic composition to a good number of students and composers.
Tutorial  on Gregorian Chant
(unifished; by Donald J. Casadonte)
Maths & Musique  une liaison intime
<http://perso.wanadoo.fr/wisdomsworld/webmaths/dossiers/Dossier0401.pdf> <>
Edward G. Dunne
Par Yanhl
Vienna n'est disponible que pour Windows.



by Barry Vercoe, Media Lab MIT and contributors
The programs making up the Csound system have a long history of development, beginning with the Music 4 program written at Bell Telephone Laboratories in the early 1960's by Max Mathews.
Indiana University
<http://www.music.indiana.edu/muslib.html> <http://www.cpdl.org/>



This is my collection of tunes in abc format. Last updated 26 August 1998.
<http://home1.swipnet.se/~w-11382/abc.htm?jv> <http://sprott.physics.wisc.edu/midi/>



Les 14 pages qui suivent sont extraites de l'ouvrage indiqué ci-dessous. Elles peuvent servir de point de départ pour une recherche interdisciplinaire...
euler Mathématiques en classe, une réalisation de l'académie de Versailles
<http://euler.ac-versailles.fr/webMathematica/reflexionpro/mathsmusique/> <http://bailhache.humana.univ-nantes.fr/thmusique/euler.html>
par feu M. Ozanam de l'académie royale des sciences... Tome Second contenant la Mécanique & l'Optique avec l'Acoustique & la Musique. M.DCC.LXXVIII. (1778) (commencer à la page 329)
Denis Lorrain Journées d'Informatique Musicale (JIM) Montbéliard
Laurent MAZLIAK Univ. Paris VI



Base de documentation sur la musique contemporaine - B R A H M S - ircam Centre Pompidou






La Cité de la musique propose de nombreuses activités pour les enfants, dès 3 ans, accompagnés ou non de leurs familles, et pour les adolescents :
>> Visites du musée de la musique
>> Ateliers de pratique musicale
>> Spectacles et concerts
La Cité de la musique offre en outre de nombreuses activités le dimanche en famille, des cycles d?activités le mercredi et des activités variées pour les adolescents.
ASPAC Burkina-Faso — nauguré en mars 2002, le Musée de la Musique d'hier et d'aujourd'hui a pour principal objectif de sensibiliser chacun à la sauvegarde de notre patrimoine, qu'il soit matériel ou immatériel.
Le Burkina Faso dont la culture est fondée sur les traditions orales ne peut laisser disparaître sa musique, ses chants, ses contes, ses danses. Sauvegarder l'identité et le patrimoine d'un peuple, c'est préserver sa diversité culturelle.



<http://www.cis.ohio-state.edu/hypertext/faq/usenet/music/top.html> <http://www.bachfaq.org/goldberg.html> <http://www.grappa.univ-lille3.fr/FAQ-LaTeX/22.1.html>



The Abc Users  Mailing List
Scottish/Cape Breton  Mailing Email Lists



A Brief Discussion  of Standard Music Description Language
ISO/IEC Draft International Standard 10743
SMDL: an SGML representation of music information.
ABC 1.6  in BNF format



With the new Audiowerk2 Production Kit, Emagic has created a complete software and hardware solution allowing you to realize even ambitious music productions on your computer - at a musician-friendly price.
Music Software written by musicians for musicians. The price including postage is only £79.95 or $130 US.
Sibelius. Notation editor originally on Acorn, nowadays on W32 and mac as well.



Your one-stop on the web for the largest selection of quality Celtic music on cassette, compact disc and video!
<http://www.irishrecords.com/> <http://www.myriad-online.com/index.htm>



Neuroscientists have intensified their research into music and its role in the developing brain.



packages  for printing music
William and Gayle Cook Music Library Indiana University School of Music
<http://www.music.indiana.edu/music_resources/> <http://ace.acadiau.ca/score/links3.htm> <http://www.music.princeton.edu/chant_html/musicology.html>
Computer Music Research  / Computer Music Journal
Khanan Asherov




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Copyright © 1999-2012 Jean-Paul Davalan - Reproduction interdite.